Life Blog Buzz

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This Unassuming Graveyard Outside Of Chicago Has A Dark And Tragic History

♠ Posted by andrea in ,,,,,
You wouldn't expect to find a mass grave outside Chicago holding the remains of 86 clowns, acrobats, strongmen, and other circus performers. Yet these poor souls really do reside here, and they met their end in a tragic accident on the rails outside of Hammond, Indiana. Many of them died instantly in what was soon discovered to be a completely preventable accident, and this tragic site serves as the conclusion to their sad story.

In the early morning hours of June 22, 1918, the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus were headed by rail to Hammond, Indiana, when technical difficulties forced the conductor to stop the train.

Unbeknownst to the members of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, the engineer for the train behind them was asleep at the wheel. Sixteen-year veteran conductor Alonzo Sargent had fallen asleep while driving an empty military transport train. Sargent blew through all of the automatic signals and flares warning him of the stopped train up ahead.

It's believed that the impact killed most of its victims within the first 30 seconds. Those who managed to escape the wreckage watched in horror as the train's kerosene lanterns ignited what was left of the two trains.

For the next several hours, rescuers fought the blaze and pulled bodies from the wreckage. Another train carrying Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus performers had safely arrived in Hammond ahead of the doomed train. Those on the second train only learned the fate of their colleagues hours later.

In the aftermath of the crash, the Showmen's League of America purchased a 750-plot section of Woodlawn Cemetery in Forest Park, Illinois.

Most of the victims' remains were charred beyond recognition. Those that they were able to identify were buried under their stage names.

Today, visitors to the Woodlawn Cemetery can find the mass grave of circus performers by the elephant statues.

It's easy to throw the word "tragedy" around these days, but what happened to these folks really is a tragedy. We can at least hope that most of those who died did so without suffering. I can't imagine a worse fate than being trapped in a burning wreckage.

These Archaeologists Were Excavating Ancient Ruins When They Found Something Tragic

♠ Posted by andrea in ,,,
Almost 2,000 years ago, a cataclysmic natural disaster wiped the Roman city of Pompeii off the map. The once-bustling agricultural town was situated at the foot of Mount Vesuvius when it erupted in November of 79 A.D. The eruption entombed the city in about 20 feet of volcanic ash. Many residents who did not flee in time were killed instantly by the intense heat. The most chilling part of all is that the ash preserved their bodies perfectly. Each one is frozen in time.
The location of Pompeii was forgotten until it was rediscovered by archaeologists in 1738. These days, Pompeii is one of the most popular tourist sites in Italy, and researchers continue to uncover and catalog the preserved remains of its former residents. This week, they made a startling, heartbreaking discovery.

They uncovered the preserved remains of a young child who was sitting on his mother's lap when tragedy struck. They believe he was about four years old.

They uncovered the preserved remains of a young child who was sitting on his mother's lap when tragedy struck. They believe he was about four years old.
AFP/Getty Images
Researchers believe he ran to his mother as Vesuvius was erupting.

Even more tragically, the boy and his mother were found alongside the remains of his father and sibling.

Even more tragically, the boy and his mother were found alongside the remains of his father and sibling.
AFP/Getty Images

"Even though it happened 2,000 years ago, it could be a boy, a mother, or a family. It's human archaeology, not just archaeology," said Stefania Giudice, conservator at the Naples National Archaeological Museum.

"Even though it happened 2,000 years ago, it could be a boy, a mother, or a family. It's human archaeology, not just archaeology," said Stefania Giudice, conservator at the Naples National Archaeological Museum.
AFP/Getty Images

The tragic scene was uncovered during a restoration project of 86 preserved bodies at the site.

The tragic scene was uncovered during a restoration project of 86 preserved bodies at the site.
AFP/Getty Images

As researchers work on restoring these bodies, they are well aware of the emotional toll that the work can take.

As researchers work on restoring these bodies, they are well aware of the emotional toll that the work can take.
AFP/Getty Images

"It can be very moving handling these remains when we apply the plaster," Giudice told journalists.

"It can be very moving handling these remains when we apply the plaster," Giudice told journalists.
AFP/Getty Images

These two held on tightly in their final embrace.

These two held on tightly in their final embrace.
AFP/Getty Images
(via: Metro UK)
From our distant historical perspective, it's easy to separate our modern world from what happened in Pompeii. It's hard to imagine something so out of control happening today. Still though, it's hard not have pity for these poor souls who probably had no idea what was happening until it was too late.

In This Town, Humans And Dolphins Work Together To Put Dinner On The Table

♠ Posted by andrea in ,,
Dolphins are incredibly intelligent creatures. The ocean-dwelling mammals are pretty much the people of the deep, blue sea, so it makes sense that a group of bottlenose dolphins have teamed up with fishermen in the Brazilian town of Laguna to keep each party equally happy with their haul of the day.

A group of about 20 dolphins in the area have chosen to work with the humans.

While other dolphins hunt on their own, these guys seem to prefer the symbiotic relationship.

Scientists believe that the behavior must be passed from the mothers of this group down to their calves...

Similar to the way the fishermen teach their children to work with the dolphins.

The men and women of Laguna can recognize each individual dolphin by its markings.

They even have names for them!

The dolphins use special signals — like a language — to let the fishermen know when and where to cast their nets.

It would be near impossible for them to successfully fish in the area without the help of the dolphins...

The water is murky, and casting nets would be more like a guessing game than a precise practice.

Incredibly, their combined efforts have been going on for over 120 years.

Other collaborative human-animal relationships like this are very rare...

And they aren't usually this mutually beneficial; most often the benefits are weighed heavily to one side or the other.

But in this instance, both sides win.

The fishermen don't need to necessarily divide their spoils with the dolphins, because the fish swimming away from the nets head right into the dolphins' mouths.

But there's no real rhyme or reason to it...

The dolphins show up to fish whenever they feel like it, often leaving the men hanging with their nets.

See the amazing relationship for yourself:

(sources Australia for Dolphins, Oddity Central)
It's amazing that something like this even happens in the first place, let alone that it's been going on for such a long time. These sure are some truly incredible animals.

Try Not To Be Too Jealous Of These Animals Who Are Having Killer Hair Days

♠ Posted by andrea in ,,,,,,
Our hairstyles say a lot about us. When we were teens, they usually said, "Ugh, no one understands me like this band understands me." As adults, we tend to find more subtle ways to primp ourselves, but we're still no match for these natural beauties.
Each of these adorable animals is giving us a serious case of hair envy. Dogs, cats, and even cows are making all our locks look subpar.

1. "I won't step one paw outside without my blowout."

2. Well, he did say he wanted to look "fierce."

3. "This is not what I was requesting when I rolled over, but okay."

4. All the other pups at daycare wish they could pull off this look.

5. "I know I look amazing, but could you please stop following me around??"

6. "I think we can go even bigger."

7. "A toupee? Me? You must be joking!"

8. Bet you wish your ear hair looked this good.

9. "Hearing how good I look all the time has gotten so boring."

10. "I'm a natural blonde, I swear."

11. A subtle braid can make a big difference.

12. The bob-and-bow is her signature look.

13. "I don't need to see to know I look good."

14. He's self-conscious about his bald spot...

15. He's starting an all-bird Beatles cover band.

16. Only the poshest accessories for this pretty lady.

17. "Green and orange don't clash, do they?"

18. "Lookin' good, Marge! Can I borrow your straightener sometime?"

19. Meet the Shirley Temple of the guinea pig world.

20. It's important to find creative ways to work around growing out your bangs.

21. Rapunzel, Rapunzel!

22. "What if Sandy is wearing the same ribbons to the hoedown?? I'll be ruined!"

23. They're huge Bon Jovi fans.

24. She brushes her hair 100 times on each side before bed.

Maybe I'll bring some of these photos in with me the next time I hit up the salon. Then again, it's probably not a good idea to try to measure up to such an impossible beauty standard.